15 February 2013

Top Fitness Gadgets for Getting Fit in 2013

If you made any New Year’s resolutions six weeks ago, I’d be willing to bet a fair portion of the United States’ national debt that you haven’t followed up on them, or came up with some excuse to weasel your way out of it.
One of the most commonly made, and broken, resolutions is to get fit and keep in shape throughout the year ahead, meaning that gyms rake in membership and joining fees in January but never see you the rest of the year.

Whether it is our own lack of self-motivation, or the fact that it is easy to feel intimidated by those at the gym who already have ripped bodies, we often find any excuse not to go there, even if we have already paid a significant sum of money.
Instead of joining the gym, however, you should invest in an exciting fitness gadget that will help to put a little more fun into the act of getting trim in the months ahead.
We looked at some of the best gadgets for getting fit, and how they will keep you motivated and moving throughout 2013.

Fitbit is so popular and effective that it is often difficult to find anywhere that has them on sale, they just sell out all the time.If you manage to get your hands on one, however, you will be able to monitor everything from your heart rate and calories burned to the number of steps you have taken, and even the speed you have moved. If you have an office job, it won’t shout at you and tell you to get off the train a stop earlier and walk home, but it is definitely the next best thing.
iRiver Headset

Listening to music when working out is something we all do, but we’re often so caught up in organising our playlist that we forget to log into Endomondo or Nike+ and get them to track our endeavours.

This headset takes care of that for you, allowing you to listen to music via a Bluetooth connection while sending back your workout data in the same manner. Never worry about setting up your apps again, just pop on the headset, and head out onto the road.
GeoPalz iBitz

Get the whole family off the sofa and getting fit with these amazing devices. If your children are always asking for time on the Xbox or Nintendo Wii, get them to earn their game time by coming to you with a display of 5,000 steps.
If getting motivated is a problem for you, make your reward for hitting your target one night a week of indulgence, and if you miss it, get your kids to choose your forfeit.
Getting in shape has never been easier or more fun. The downside, at least for those of us of a lazy disposition, is that the excuses are fast running out for being sedentary. Invest in one of these gadgets for 2013, and you could be changing your life positively, forever.

Guest Post:
This guest post is from Roberts
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